
HovUp – FO

DTXT is a company that seeks to, first and foremost, meet the cultural, business, quality of service expectations of its customers.

At Dynamic Trading Exchange Technologies (DTXT Corporation), we seek first and foremost to understand the cultural, business, and service expectations of our customers.
We build and grow our business around value creation and setting the right expectations with an eye toward an integrated solution, creative thinking, and the highest ethical standards. We seek to provide the most responsive service and solutions in the industry, recognizing and surpassing each customer’s individual needs and expectations utilizing world best practices and methodologies.
DTXT, a leader in security intelligence and analytics, empowers organizations around the globe to rapidly detect, respond to and neutralize damaging cyber threats.
The DTXT management team brings together diverse background in the area of communications, security, and analytics. With experience that encompasses scaling small and growing large companies, both private and public.


Nos movemos hacia la democratización de los datos y la tecnología, por lo que era de esperar que una de las grandes tendencias tech del 2022 sean los servicios sin código (low-code). Durante los últimos años, hemos visto como se han ido poniendo a disposición de un número creciente de la sociedad habilidades y herramientas al servicio de la innovación.


La denominada “inteligencia de decisiones” da un enfoque práctico en la toma de decisiones para mejorarlas. Su función es la de modelar cada decisión como un conjunto de procesos, apoyada en la inteligencia y la analítica para aprender, informar y perfeccionar estas decisiones.


La Experiencia Total se trata de una estrategia empresarial que integra la experiencia del trabajador, la del cliente, la del usuario y, como novedad, la multiexperiencia en muchos puntos de contacto.


Computer Vision o la Visión por Computador no deja de avanzar y presentar significativos avances. Cada vez encontramos más casos de uso en los que esta tecnología está ayudando a mejorar el servicio de muchos negocios.

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EyeNet Solutions

EyeNet Platform
Eyenet is a DPI solution for monitoring, reconstructing, and visualizing network traffic for intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes. It allows users to clearly picture and gather a greater understanding of network events in order to more efficiently investigate aforementioned events. It specifically addresses the following issues: Detection of Compromised Employees, Data Protection, Employee Data Leakage, Visualization of Network Content and Communication Activities, Application Transaction Security, Corporate Telephone Security, Office Mobility Security, Inappropriate Communications, Detection of Advanced Attacks, and IT Security Compliance.¨

Deserted Avenue

Duis vel augue facilisis nunc condimentum malesuada. Aenean aliquam lorem eget pharetra laoreet.

Gamma Meaningful

Phasellus eget feugiat ex. Duis vel augue facilisis nunc vulputate condimentum malesuada.

Rainbow Western Roadrunner

Quisque blandit, quam ac vulputate tincidunt, sapien odio viverra neque, sit amet varius velit magna ut magna.

Full Dagger

Maecenas laoreet sodales aliquam. Sed porttitor purus tellus,condimentum non iaculis leo accumsan eget.

Sienna Alpha

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, ullamcorper nascetur ridiculus mus.

Gamma Dirty

Sed suscipit lectus ut mi imperdiet, sit amet aliquam elit vulputate. Vivamus vel tempor justo.

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DTXT is built around the ideas of integrated solutions, creative thought, and high ethical standards. We seek to provide responsive, interactive service and solutions that are industry pragmatic. Here at DTXT, we pledge to treat each client on a truly individual basis, ensuring that their expectations are not only met, but also surpassed.

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