Our World Reborn

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Naturecovery is an environmental engineering project developer offering water, effluent and air emission treatment solutions for a wide range of industrial activities.

We offer our clients comprehensive environmental project solutions, covering the following services: 1 analysis, planning, design, construction, installation, maintenance and supply of plants and equipment for the treatment 2 of wastewater and air.

Since the company was founded in 2009, we have carried out nearly 500 projects worldwide.

NatuRecovery designs its projects according to 3 key principles

1. Project sustainability

  • Ensure a minimum impact on the water footprint (conservation of freshwater resources) and on the carbon footprint (minimize greenhouse gas emissions for energy consumption).
  • Technical and economic sustainability: customized design, appropriate selection of materials, minimum operating and maintenance costs during the useful life of the equipment.

2. Resource recovery / Waste to energy

  • Whenever possible in a project, we try to recover raw materials, by-products and water, as well as convert waste to energy. The savings and inputs obtained during the operation allow for a quick return on investment and increased sustainability.

3. Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) and Zero Gaseous Discharge (ZAP)

  • With proper process design and appropriate technologies, it is entirely possible to achieve ZLD in wastewater and ZAP in air emissions.



  • Desalination: removal of salts from seawater or brackish water.
  • Demineralization: removal of ions to obtain pure demineralized water.
  • Filtration: removal of suspended solids.
  • Softening: removal of hardness from hard water sources.
  • Potable water: production of water suitable for consumption.
  • Disinfection: UV, ozone, UF.
  • Water preparation for CT.
  • Water preparation for steam boilers and HRSG.


  • RO: Reverse osmosis.
  • ROI: Reverse osmosis for seawater.
  • Ion exchange: Ion exchange columns with resins
  • EDI: Electrodeionization to obtain ultrapure water.
  • Sand/carbon/multimedia filters
  • Evaporation: Desalination by thermal separation using different technologies.



  • Pretreatment for liquid separation in public treatment plants.
  • Biological wastewater treatment plants.
  • Zero discharges.


  • Anaerobic treatment plant: Eliminates COD/BOD at low cost and produces biogas.
  • Fixed bed reactors: High performance in a short time with the patented Biocarb® process.
  • SLAD (denitrification): Autotrophic denitrification with sulfur-limestone without a carbon source.
  • Ammonium removal: Nitrogen removal with anaerobic autotrophic species.
  • RBLM: Biological Moving Bed Reactor, which uses a special plastic support to increase performance.
  • MBR: Special membranes to obtain high efficiency in the removal of COD/BOD.
  • Stripping: Desorption columns to remove VOCs and gases from wastewater using air or steam.
  • Liquid extraction: Application of a liquid extractant to remove a specific substance dissolved in water.
  • RO/RO: Membrane technology to separate salts and contaminants from water and reduce rejects.
  • NF/UF: Membrane technology to separate some substances from water.
  • EDR: Reversible Electrodialysis desalination system, with electrodes that periodically alternate polarity.
  • ED: Uses selective membranes activated by a direct current polarity to separate anions and cations.
  • Evaporation: Complete range of evaporation and concentration technologies.
  • Crystallization: Precipitation of salts from brines through supersaturation obtained from concentration/refrigeration.
  • Physicochemical: Chemical coagulation/flocculation and clarification by settling or flotation.
  • Electrocoagulation: Electrolysis of water with Al/Fe electrodes to eliminate non-chemical contaminants.
  • AOP: Advanced Oxidation Process with UV rays and oxidants (ozone, peroxides, etc.).



  • Smells

  • COV

  • CIV

  • NOx


  • Regenerative Thermal Oxidation (RTO): 2 or 3 chambers; 99% VOC removal, 95% thermal recovery.
  • Catalytic Thermal Oxidation: Low temperature thermal oxidation.
  • Photooxidation: Uses UV+ 03 to convert VOC and odors into clean air emissions.
  • Carbon Filters: Bed change or regenerative systems.
  • Cryocondensation: Condensation by ice water or nitrogen and solvent recovery.
  • SCR: Selective Catalytic Reducer to reduce NOx to N2.
  • DeNOx Recovery®: Transforms NOx into fertilizers.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plants: Gas scrubbing and absorption.



  • Solid waste
  • Liquid waste

Technologies for solid waste

  • Biomethanisation: Biodigestion of high-load solid and/or liquid organic waste, so-called co-digestion, in order to produce green energy and, in some cases, to obtain fertilisers from eco-sustainable resources.
  • Gasification: Thanks to pyrolysis, SYNGAS can be produced, which in turn produces energy. An inert end product called biochar (biological charcoal used to improve agricultural soils) can also be obtained from solid waste.

Technologies for liquid waste

  • Manurtech™: Digestion treatment. Converts livestock and poultry manure into energy and resources.
  • Chemirec®: Recovery of chemicals for reuse.
  • Evaporation/distillation: Thermal separation technologies.
  • Stabilization/solidification: Stabilization and solidification of liquid waste.
  • Crystallization: Production of salts and recovery of resources.

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